
produk baru

  • बड़े व्यास ऑप्टिकल फाइबर क्लीवर

    LDC-100 बड़े व्यास ऑप्टिकल फाइबर क्लीवर * क्लैडिंग व्यास 80μm ~ 600μm फाइबर के लिए लागू *वैक्यूम पंप वी-नाली फाइबर डालने के लिए सुविधाजनक है *डी टिकाऊ ब्लेड, जीवनकाल 20000 से अधिक बार *डेटा भंडारण 4000 समूह * उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल जीयूआई मेनू, संचालित करने में आसान lebih

  • Penyambung Fiber Fusion Multi-Core

    S-22 Multi-Core Fiber Fusion Splicer Splicer F fusi Serat M ulti - inti Otomatis Sepenuhnya Pertama di Cina _ lebih

  • PM serat fusion splicer

    Polarisasi Mempertahankan (PM) Serat Fusion Splicer S-12 * Inti inti keselarasan, rendah splicing loss * Endview dan Profil observasi dan keselarasan * Busur kalibrasi otomatis dan penyambungan * PM serat 45 dan 90 derajat alignment lebih

  • Penyambung LDF S-37

    S-37 LDF Speialty Fiber Fusion Splicer SHINHO S-37 adalah model terbaru yang kami kembangkan, dapat menyambungkan diameter kelongsong serat dari 125 hingga 400μm dengan kehilangan sambungan yang rendah. Kami melengkapi mesin dengan 3 pemegang serat yang berbeda, dan 2 pasang elektroda cadangan. lebih

  • pita serat fusion splicer

    pita serat fusion splicer x950 Pita serat fusion splicer untuk 2-12 core Penyelarasan serat yang akurat, kehilangan splicing yang rendah Desain industri yang kuat, mudah dioperasikan lebih

  • inti penyelarasan fusion splicer

    inti ke inti penyelarasan serat fusion splicer x900 enam motor fusion splicer, inti nyata ke teknologi penyelarasan inti. Splicing 6s, pemanas 16 detik, mengidentifikasi jenis serat secara otomatis. digunakan untuk proyek telekomunikasi / telekomunikasi. lebih

  • mesin splicing serat optik

    kuat multi fungsi arc fusion splicer s16 desain industri yang kuat, anti guncangan, anti debu dan tahan air. dudukan multi fungsi untuk serat telanjang, kabel patch, kabel drop dll. penyambungan dan pemanasan cepat, kalibrasi busur otomatis. lebih

  • थर्मल स्ट्रिपर

    SHINHO X-18 रिबन फाइबर थर्मल स्ट्रिपर शिन्हो X-18 थर्मल स्ट्रिपर एक नव विकसित हाथ से आयोजित थर्मल स्ट्रिपर है, जिसे विशेष रूप से 12 फाइबर तक रिबन केबल के जैकेट के गैर-विनाशकारी थर्मल स्ट्रिपिंग के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है। रिबन फाइबर स्प्लिसिंग कार्य के लिए एक अच्छा और विश्वसनीय उपकरण। lebih

"Unite and Climb to the Top"-----2024 Team-building activities of Shinho Communication concluded successfully

  • 2024-06-16
To further strengthen the communication and collaboration between our teams and enhance the team's cohesion, a team-building activity with the theme of "Unite and Climb to the Top" was held by Shinho. The purpose of this activity is to enhance mutual understanding and trust among employees through various forms of team collaboration and communication to contribute to the development of the company.

The entire trip lasted for 3 days. On the first day afternoon when we arrived at the destination, the stop was the Longmen Grottoes, a world cultural heritage and national AAAAA-level tourist attraction.

The second day was also the highlight of this trip, Laojun Mountain, "the world's unparalleled holy land, the world's first fairy mountain"

On the third day, we came to the Dream Chasing Valley, which is located in the valley of the west peak of Laojun Mountain.

After lunch, everyone took a bus back to the company, and this team-building activity gradually came to an end. The trip to Laojun Mountain not only allowed team members to challenge themselves and gain friendship but also planted the seeds of unity, cooperation and climbing to the top in everyone's hearts. We believe that in the days to come, our team full of vitality and wisdom will be like Laojun Mountain, standing tall and dazzling!

© hak cipta: SHINHO OPTICS LIMITED Seluruh hak cipta.


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    sekarang produk dan layanan Shinho secara luas diterapkan pada teknik komunikasi, jaringan rumah, produksi perangkat optik, penelitian ilmiah, dll. mereka diekspor ke eropa, amerika utara, afrika, amerika selatan dan negara asia lainnya. pertanyaan, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami!